Saturday, January 10, 2009

The beginning of the end...

Howdy! It's official - I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...

I have now begun the final semester of culinary school. This semester I have the following classes: Food Purchasing, Beverage Management, Restaurant Management (front of the house), Garde Manger (this is a repeat since I withdrew from it earlier) and Practical Exam. As you can see, I only actually have to cook one day a week now (that's on Fridays). You gotta love that!

This is the semester where I have to figure out what I'm going to do with the education I've achieved. I spoke with Chef Zombori on Thursday - he has some contacts in the world of purveyors. Food sales seems to be the best option for me - as I need the corporate benefits. It will be so great to have those again! As much as the idea of working for Disney has intrigued me, I really do not wish to move 7 hours away from Mom. After all, she's 86, and as much as I'd like for her to live forever - it's neither probable nor possible in the real world.

I'm psyched that this semester is mainly academic classes for me. I must say I did NOT enjoy cooking in a restaurant setting. It is exhausting and I'm not physically able to withstand it. It is a career for the young, as far as I'm concerned! As my background has been mainly clerical, I feel that the business side of things is where I belong and that is what I will focus on. I may even further my education with a business degree - who knows? I only need 3 math classes to get my A.A. and the possibility of getting it online exists.

But as Scarlett O'Hara once said, "I'll think about that tomorrow."

Thanks for sticking with me, dear readers & supporters. You've been a godsend!

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