Monday, September 15, 2008

We had our first service in La Friandise today and it went very well. I was "Chef of the Day" - which means I got to go out with Chef Redd and introduce the banquet-style meal to the guests. And instead of working at one station, I got to help out EVERYONE. It was really cool - sort of like being an Executive Chef. But, just so it doesn't go to my head: I am in the dish pit next week! From the top straight to the bottom! I helped George in the bakery make lemon muffins - I iced pecan cakes for Shefa'a, etc. etc. etc. Overall it went very well for a first service of the semester. Trust me when I tell you that this semester is a piece of cake compared to last semester with the evening service!

Got some really fantastic news in the mail today when I arrived home too. There was a package from Reiman Publications (which owns Taste of Home magazine). I told Mom that I hadn't ordered anything and was prepared to send it back. But I opened the attached letter which began like this: "We are delighted to inform you that you are receiving a copy of Everyday Slow Cooker & One Dish Recipes, which includes your recipe on page 66. This complimentary copy is yours to keep free of charge. It's our way of saying "Thank you!" for contributing to this one-of-a-kind cookbook".

What a great surprise, eh? The recipe I submitted is "Cranberry Apricot Pork Roast with Potatoes" - their test kitchen prepared the recipe and it has an 8 x 10 photo of it! It looks wonderful and I'm really proud!

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