Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The first big practical exam

It's over. Thank God! And it went smashingly!

I did a dry run of my "menu" over the weekend before I had the exam. To be honest, it sucked. I mean really sucked.

My pork roast was overcooked and dry. Like sawdust. My gravy was way too salty. Inedible. The butternut squash was just so-so. The rice pilaf was sticky. And the broccoli was bland.

So I was a nervous wreck on the morning of the exam. Into the kitchen I went, fully armed with freshly sharpened knives and my sense of humor intact.

At the last minute, I decided to just improvise and make it easy.

I whipped out my red wine vinaigrette in 3 minutes and presented it for tasting. It passed, but needed some seasoning. OK.

Next - cream of broccoli soup. Chef was walking around observing and as he passed me, he commented that I was the only one to make the veloute sauce correctly. YAY ME!

Presented the broccoli soup for tasting and was told it was excellent and that I had done a great job.

On to the entree and sides.

I took the 1-1/2 inch thick piece of boneless pork loin, coated it with dijon mustard, salted & peppered it and chopped some fresh thyme and rosemary and sprinkled it on. Placed it in a small hotel pan and added some chardonnay and chicken stock and into the salamander it went. Rice pilaf in the oven. Butternut squash - I cut into a large dice after peeling and placed in a saute pan with about an inch of water, 1 oz. of clarified butter, salt, pepper, and 2 Tblsp. brown sugar. I cooked the water out and them caramelized the squash. GREAT CHOICE!

Sugar snap peas - blanched them and then sauteed them in clarified butter with freshly minced ginger and salted & peppered. Not too bad.

Garnished the plate and presented it for tasting. Chef said I had done an excellent job and congratulated me.

The highest grade in the class was a 94 - achieved by a classmate that is the kitchen manager of one of the better restaurants here in town. I made a 90 and was ecstatic!!!

Today - I registered for next semester. I will be in advanced food prep and dining room operations - night classes for next semester. Baking, garde manager, and college business math round out the schedule. 14 hours total. I'm psyched and ready!

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