Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's Spring Break. Finally. YAY!

Have I mentioned how SICK TO DEATH I am of attitudes? Of students being given extreme leeway on attendance, but others being hounded if they miss a class due to having an abcessed tooth pulled?

I don't CARE if you live an entire county away. I don't give CRAP if you work until 1am. It's not MY problem. You should plan your schedule accordingly. THAT is part of being an ADULT. And if your roommate/lover has cancer, I'm sorry. I truly am. But that doesn't give you carte blanche to skip every class and still expect to pass the class! If I were the instructor, not many would be LEFT at this point. And laying out drunk and coming to class hung over or not showing up at all would be enough for me to throw you completely out of the program. Either you're serious, or you're NOT.

OK - I've ranted enough. To say I'm ready for graduation is an understatement. I feel like I haven't learned anything useful in culinary school at all. Except maybe to make an omelet. That's about it.

What happens after graduation? God only knows. I think I deserve a refund from the college for the baking & pastry classes I took where we made genoise for 8 weeks in a row and never got to bake them because the damned instructor thought the ovens were inferior. And the fact that we NEVER made bread. WHAT IS THAT? Jesus, do I have any marketable skills at all?

I can't begin to say what a Mickey Mouse operation this culinary program has been. I had such high hopes when I began. Dashed and destroyed at every turn. I've learned NOTHING. I hope my instructors read this and hang their heads in shame. I hope Mr. S., the head of the business dept. grows some balls and takes charge for a change instead of being cowed by Chef Z. There are sooooooo many things wrong with the entire program. I'm not sure they can be fixed......


Marigene said...

Pat, sorry it took almost 2 years to realize this wasn't the culinary schooling you so looked forward to. Maybe you could do an editorial to the local newspaper to warn other potential students.

Marysol said...

Pat, I can't believe two years have already passed. And you're already graduating.
And I can't help but feel bad that this experience ended up being such a let-down, as I distinctly remember how excited you were at the onset of this culinary program.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Gosh, I'm sorry the experience has been so bad for you. It's terrible to have one's hopes and expectations dashed. I found your blog by accident but will check in often to see how you are doing. Do you plan to work in the food industry? I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...MAry

Savory Simple said...

I'm sorry you had a bad experience at school. I'm 4 months in and so far it has been a very positive experience.

I guess it really depends on the school :(

Mellie said...

I was seriously debating whether or not to enroll in GCCC's culinary program. You have made me re-think my decision! I'll give it careful thought before I make my mind up, that's for sure!