Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Here it is, the 22nd of January already. Whew!

We plunged right into baking today - but it wasn't exactly baking. We made Crème Anglaise with floating quennelles (meringue clouds) and caramel to drizzle over.

My first attempt at Crème Anglaise ended up with scrambled eggs! I didn't feel so bad, though, as it also happened to a couple of other students. We all dumped it out and started over. The second attempt went flawlessly. A beautiful presentation, but not my idea of a dessert. I'm not too fond of 'eggy' things. I don't even like custard!

I have SEVEN chapters to read before Thursday's baking class. Luckily I've already read the first five, so just have to skim back over them. We are supposed to memorize two more chapters.....guess I'd best get cracking!

More later...

1 comment:

Barb said...

LOL I remember doing the same to my first Creme Anglaise (boiled custard in my old book). It was a long timr before I tried again.